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01.10.11 - 05.06.11

Introduction to Java Programming


Monday Wednesday
04:00 PM - 05:20 PM



Objective: To practice using Classes, Objects, and Inheritance


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Comments placed in each source code file.5 pts
Files put into JAR format and made executable.5 pts
Application source and class files included.5 pts
Program compiles and executes without errors5 pts
User can open accounts10 pts
Checking and Savings classes created and used10 pts
Deposit works correctly20 pts
Withdraw works correctly20 pts
View works correctly10 pts
Input error checking performed10 pts
Total100 pts


Write a java application that will allow a user to open up to 5 checking or savings accounts and them allow them to view, deposit or withdraw from any of the opened accounts. 5 is the total number of account that can be opened. The 5 can be any combination of checking and savings account.

Classes - The programs classes should be based on the BankAccount class we wrote in class. You should then create two child classes of BankAccount called CheckingAccount and SavingAccount. The CheckingAccount class should contain a data member for account fees and the SavingAccount class should have a data member for interest rate. Both classes should override the toString method in BankAccount to print out all data members for each class. The fees for CheckingAccounts and the interest rate for SavingsAccounts are fixed numbers that do not need to be calculated in any way.

The application - You application should display the following menu:
1. Open Account
2. View Account
3. Deposit to account
4. Withdraw from account
5. Exit

Menu Description:
1. The open account option should allow the user to create up to 5 accounts of the SavingAccount or CheckingAccount types. It is up to the user to decide.
2. The view account option should allow the user to view information about any of the opened accounts.
3. and 4. The deposit and withdraw options should allow the user to deposit money in, or withdraw money from any open account.
5. Terminate the application

All appropriate error checking should be performed on the users actions.