08.21.17 - 12.17.17
Introduction to Computer Programming
Tuesday Thursday
02:00 PM - 03:20 PM
Object-Oriented Programming
color example
SQL Example
repeat of previous psuedocode but assuming we can access data through a database
FileIO Example
reading a delimited students data file
Bubble Sort
pseudocode and ruby script
Searching Arrays
Linear search and binary search
Arrays and Selections
days voting example as pseudocode and in ruby
Arrays, Loops, and Modules
general array syntax, working with arrays and loops, display_array, reverse_array modules
Formalizing Modules
added return types and parameter types to modules we've written
Passing and Returning
Examples of passing and returning to and from modules
how to put modules in flowcharts and pseduocode
Alt Structures and Modules
do/while, do/until, for loops, and starting with modularization
Nesting and Alt Control Structures
Nesting of if/else, switch/case, and until
More While Loops
more example of while loops and starting with stacking and nesting
If/Else and While
duel selection structures and beginning while loops
Structured Pseudocode
unstructured box drawing and the some selection examples
More Loops
show message counter controlled, and total any number of numbers sentinel controlled
Decisions and Loops
revised season example and add 10 numbers with a counter controlled loop
Flowchart Practice
bigger number, circle's area, and seasons examples
Box Drawing Flowchart
includes loop with decision
Pseudocode and Flowchart Basics
box drawing pseudocode and add three numbers flowchart (open at draw.io)
Pseudocode Examples
add three numbers and the start of rectangle drawing (incomplete)
Programming Language Samples
Hello, World! in C, Java, JavaScript, and Ruby