08.21.17 - 12.17.17
Introduction to UNIX/Linux
Tuesday Thursday
09:30 AM - 10:50 AM
Script functions as described | 30 pts |
Total | 30 pts |
Create a shell script called show_seconds_for in your bin directory that will accept an amount of time as command line arguments and will then report the number of seconds in that amount of time.
This script should require 2 command line arguments and should report an error if 2 arguments are not given. The first argument should be a number and the second argument must be "second", "seconds", "minute", "minutes", "hour", or "hours".
The user should execute the script with a command like:
show_seconds_for 14 minutes
show_seconds_for 34 seconds
show_seconds_for 2 hours
The script should, based on the arguments given, calculate how many seconds are in each time period specified. For example, if "34 seconds" are the arguments the output from the script should be "34 seconds", if the arguments are "2 hours" the output from the script should be "7200 seconds"