01.09.17 - 05.07.17
Introduction to Computer Programming
Tuesday Thursday
01:00 PM - 02:20 PM
More Arrays
menu example and others to be talked about
Array Basics
basic examples of array notations
Ruby Methods
finished color example and a quick recursion example
Overloading and Recursion
overloading and recursion examples
Passing Values
color menu and bigger module examples
Module Basics
color menu example with simple modules
Alternative Control Structures
until, do/while, do/until, for
Stacking and Nesting
combining control structures
While Loops
find total determinate and indeterminate in pseudocode and ruby
Ruby examples and Repetition
converting pseudocode to ruby and working with while loops
Single and Duel Selection Ifs
bigger number, paycheck, and safe divide example
Structured Pseudocode
goto example and example of single selection if
Color Menu
big flowchart with connectors
Indeterminate Loops
add any number of numbers and radius of a circle with error checking
Looping Box Draw
box draw program with a loop
Decision Practice
flowchart examples for circle's area, day of the week, and a number in range
Greater Number Flowchart
Flowchart with a decision
Flowchart Examples
flowcharts for add 3 numbers and draw box
Pseudocode Examples
example of add three numbers and draw box
Hello World Example
examples in C, JavaScript, and Java