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08.17.15 - 12.13.15

C Language


Monday Wednesday
10:00 AM - 11:20 AM

Bank Account


Objective: To practice with simple control structures


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Program displays the required menu10 pts
Menu is redisplayed after each option10 pts
Invalid menu selections are handled nicely10 pts
Option 1 works correctly10 pts
Options 2 and 3 function correctly20 pts
Options 2 and 3 correctly validate users input25 pts
Option 4 quits the program10 pts
Program compiles without errors or warnings5 pts
Total100 pts


Write a C program that will allow a user to interact with a simulated bank account. The account will start with a 0 balance every time the program starts and the program is only responsible for dealing with the account's balance, don't worry about interest rates or anything other than the balance.

The Menu

Your application should display the following menu for the user and continue to show them the menu after each of their choices are complete until the user chooses option 4 to quit. The user should be informed if they make an invalid choice and the menu should be redisplayed.
1. Show Balance
2. Deposit
3. Withdraw
4. Exit

Menu Description

1. The show balance option should allow the user to view the nicely formatted balance of their account.

2. and 3. The deposit and withdraw options should allow the user to deposit money in, or withdraw money from their account. To do this the user will need to be prompted for an amount. The amount the user enters needs to be a positive number for both deposit and withdraw and needs to be less than the balance for withdraw. After either option is successful the user should be able to see that their balance has changed by choosing option 1 from the menu.

4. Quit the application

The program should provide enough output/feedback to the user to be friendly and easy to use.
