01.09.12 - 05.06.12
Authentication and Authorization
Objective: To use Authentication and Authorization on a website of your own design
Authentication and Authorization | 40 pts |
Site design and use | 20 pts |
Interestingness and Practicality | 20 pts |
Testing performed | 20 pts |
Total | 100 pts |
For this lab you will create a website that involves authentication (verifying who a user is) and authorization (deciding what the user can do). What subject matter the site deals with is up to you but it must be a situation where authentication and authorization would be needed.
For example: Create a website where people can post ideas and others can comment on the ideas. Anyone can view the ideas and comments but only registered users can post ideas and comments. The site would have 3 types of users: administrators, moderators, and users. Administrators would be allowed to create, edit, or destroy anything on the site (users, ideas, comments). Moderators could create or edit ideas and comments anything but could not destroy. Users could create ideas and comments and could edit or destroy their own ideas and comments but could not edit or destroy anyone else's ideas or comments.
Your lab will be graded on the complexity of the authentication and authorization that is performed (the example above would be sufficiently complex to receive full points), the design and ease of use of the site, and the interestingness of the subject matter.
Provide a description with the assignment when submitting the assignment describing the sites purpose and use as a text file in the project root or plan on presenting the site to me during office hours.