


All Semesters


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Rails I


3 credits


Color Palette


100 points


Rails app created5
Routes properly set according to instructions15
Rainbow index page displays web safe color palette35
Rainbow show page displays selected color from color palette25
Link on show page to index page present and functioning5
Tests written and passing with appropriate assertions15
Total100 pts


to create a rails application that uses links and url parameters



"Back in the day", the colors that were best to use on websites were those that would display the same on all computers and match colors in images despite differences in how color palettes were calculated and used. These colors were called "Web Safe" colors and were easily identified by their HEX values that only contained the values 00, 33, 66, 99, AA, CC, and FF. Any color made of only these values was web safe, any other color was not. So, #0099AA was web safe, as was #FF0000 and #CCAA66. #CCAA89, #123456, and #CCAABB were not web safe, for example.


For this application you will need to create an application that responds to the following paths with the first path also being set to the root:


When the rainbow index page is displayed it should display all of the possible web safe colors, the actual color, not the code specifically, and make it possible for the user to click on each one. When a color is clicked the rainbow show page should be displayed. On the rainbow show page there should be a level one header showing the color's hex code, a large "swatch" of the color to be seen, and a back link to return the user to the index page.


At least two tests should be created, one for each of the two actions, and appropriate assertions added.
