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Introduction to Computer Programming


3 credits

Generic Course Syllabus


Introduction to Computer Programming

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This course is a required prerequisite for all programming classes and will serve as an introduction to structured programming techniques. Topics to be covered include flowcharting, pseudo code, sequence, selection, iteration, arrays, I/O, principles of problem solving, debugging, documentation and good programming practice. Topics will be applied using an appropriate programming language. Co-requisite: CSCI 1203 Computer Concepts and Applications.

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  1. Know the basics of how a computer operates, both hardware and software.
  2. Understand the reasons for and the history of computer programming.
  3. Recognize different types and uses of programming languages.
  4. Plan programming solutions using flowcharts and pseudocode.
  5. Understand the use of variables and several types of data structures.
  6. Understand structured programming
  7. Understand the use of programming modules
  8. Understand the basics of file I/O.
  9. Be familiar with different types of programming documentation.
