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Computer Concepts and Applications


3 credits

Generic Course Syllabus


Computer Concepts and Applications

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This is a theory/applications course. The theory introduces the role of computers in all aspects of global society including security issues. The applications segment utilizes Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Power Point and the Internet to equip students with basic computer skills necessary for their academic and professional careers. It will serve as the first course to be taken by any computer science major, may satisfy a computer science requirement for another discipline, a university parallel transferable course and meets the computer proficiency requirements mandated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

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  1. Understand commonly used data processing terminology, techniques, hardware, software, and codes.
  2. Understand the functions performed by data processing personnel and the role of the data processing department within an organization.
  3. Be familiar with types of available software packages and understand the concept of using them through hands-on experience.
  4. Explore the rapidly expanding range of actual and potential computer applications and how they affect the society in which we live.
  5. Develop an awareness of the logic required and the steps involved in programming a computer.
