01.09.12 - 05.06.12
Introduction to Java Programming
Monday Wednesday
04:00 PM - 05:20 PM
Create a JAR file for a Java Application
Create the JAR file
On the command line in the directory where your assignment is located type:
jar -cfv LabName.jar Labxx.*
The switch _cfv_ tell the JAR command to 'C'reate a 'F'ile and produce 'V'erbose output of the process.
This statement will create a file called LabName.jar which contains all of the files in the current directory whose names begin with Labxx ( Labxx.java and Labxx.class ).
When doing this in the "Real-World" you would substitute Labxx.class for Labxx.* so that your source code would not be included where it could potentially be taken.
This command will also create a default manifest file in the archive. A manifest file is a special file that is included in every JAR file that describes the contents of the file and any special purposes/uses of those contents.
Because no notation has been made in the manifest file to indicate that the JAR contains an executable program, what you have at this point is a non-executable JAR file.